Other words for I LOVE YOU
>> Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Anda pnh jmpa x sesetengah org yang ssh or xleh nk cakap I love you kt pasangan dia?agak-agak kenapa ye.mungkin gugup, malu, xbiase, kelu lidah? Tiba-tiba ari ni jiwa terase b'bunga2 dek kerana musim org kwin ni kn. kt umah ada 20 kad kwin ye.harap maklum. di tambah lg dengan berita pernikahan Salih Yaacob semalam.haha...pe kaitan ni? Tahniah utk Salleh & isteri. Semoga berbahgia selamanya, hidup rukun dengan semua isterinya :)
ok, straight to d point..bg yg susah sangat nk ckp i love you, ada beberapa words yg blh digunakan.ada banyak tp sy listkn skit je.hehe...so gud luck :)
- You are my one and only.
- You are the love of my life.
- With every breath i take, i love you more and more.
- You are my everything.
- Yesterday i loved you the most i could love anyone, yet today i love you even more.
- You make my heart go pitter-patter.
- Be my love forever more.
- I can't imagine my life without you.
- My heart aches when we are apart.
- I care so much for you.
- It's you and me forever.
- I want to spend the rest of my life making you smile.
- You are so special to me.
- Marry me?
- Forever yours.
- You are my soul mate.
- I found my love in you.
- You are my gift form God. (best!)
- You are my perfect match.
- I prayed for love and you came into my life.
- You take my breath away.